Industrial Efficiency

Keech 1
Keech 2
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The industrial sector has been a major driver of the world economy since the middle of the 18th century and many a mogul has made his fortune off the manufacture of goods. While information technology has grown exponentially, people will always need buildings and vehicles and myriads of products for daily life.  The glamour of the old-world industrialists continues side by side with the inspirational quality of modern innovators.

However, factories remain largely uninspired and far from glamorous. The heart of creation is purely functional. And very loud. Employees in offices overlooking the factory floor may struggle to hear and be heard by clients on the telephone. Office meetings may involve a degree of shouting to be heard. Personnel often wear headphones in order to think straight. When wooing a high-level client, a factory visit may be offered but it is quickly followed by a meeting somewhere more comfortable and quiet.

These difficulties can be solved by establishing offices on a different site to the factory. This comes at a cost and may reduce efficient communication between departments. This option often doesn’t work for manufacture-based companies.

The alternative is sound-proofing. Keech Furnace Technologies (KFT) chose Teva Windows to separate their offices from the factory floor. The uPVC frames do not conduct energy or sound. This means that managers can keep an eye on production through the windows, while office employees are protected from the noise and heat of the factory floor. Teva provided external windows as well, increasing the energy efficiency of the factory as a whole. 

KFT was the first business to test Teva’s products in the factory environment. The results prove the versatility of Teva’s energy efficient products, an equally good investment for a business in the industrial sector and for quality of life in an attractive home. Keech’s choice is an example of the kind of innovative thinking that will ensure the relevance and prosperity of the industrial sector for centuries to come. 

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